Abstrak: Kemiskinan dalam Injil Lukas-Kisah Para Rasul seharusnya tidak dipahami sebagai kemiskinan rohani atau kemiskinan sosial atau kemiskinan moral. Kemiskinan dalam Injil Lukas-Kisah Para Rasul merujuk kepada kemiskinan ekonomi. Kesimpulan demikian diperoleh melalui perbandingan narasi unik dalam Lukas, narasi dalam Lukas dan Matius, dan narasi dalam Lukas, Matius, dan Markus. Lukas kemudian mendemonstrasikan dalam kitab Kisah Para Rasul bagaimana jemaat Kristen perdana memberi perhatian serius terhadap orang miskin materi. Kesatuan Injil Lukas-Kisah Para Rasul masih tetap dipertahankan meski konsep miskin yang dominan dalam Injil Lukas absen di dalam Kisah Para Rasul.
Kata Kunci: Injil Lukas, Kisah Para Rasul, tradisi L, tradisi Q, kesatuan Lukas-Kisah Para Rasul, miskin.
Abstract: Poverty in Luke-Acts should not be understood as spiritual or social or moral poverty. Poor people in Luke-Acts refer to the economically poor. This conclusion is reached through comparing narration unique to Luke, narrations in Luke and Matthew, and narrations in Luke, Matthew, and Mark. Luke then demonstrates in Acts how early Christian church seriously gave attention to the economically poor people. Unity Luke-Acts can be sustained although the concept of poverty which is dominant in Luke is absent in Acts.
Keyword: Luke, Acts, L tradition, Q tradition, Unity Luke-Acts, poor.
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