Kajian tentang Tahap perkembangan Iman Synthetic-Conventional James W. Fowler

Sebuah Studi untuk Mengidentifikasi Figur dan Profil Pembimbing Remaja

  • Marisa Gereja Methodist Indonesia Jemaat Gratia, Indonesia
Keywords: adolescence, faith development stage, James W. Fowler, mentor figure and profile


Adolescence is a full of risks period in building identity, confidence, and skills to undergo life. In this life stage, a mentor has a role in guiding youth to know God and what it means to be a Christian. This study aims to identify the figures and profiles of adolescent mentors. Based on the theory of faith development from James W. Fowler, the author conducted in-depth interviews with five teenagers aged 14-18 years to examine the stages of synthetic-conventional faith development. After analyzing data, this research found that the spiritual mentor figures needed by teenagers are parents, peers, and youth mentors. Apart from that, the profile of a youth mentor is someone who can be a model, has spiritual maturity, lives close to teenagers, and is willing to walk together in order to help teenagers experience faith development.


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How to Cite
Marisa. (2023). Kajian tentang Tahap perkembangan Iman Synthetic-Conventional James W. Fowler. Jurnal Pelayanan Kaum Muda, 1(1), 31-42. https://doi.org/10.47901/jpkm.v1i1.556