Hubungan Spiritualitas Remaja Akhir dengan Spiritualitas Orangtua dan dengan Kelekatan Remaja kepada Orangtua

  • Laumi Gereja Kristus Yesus Pluit, Indonesia
Keywords: spirituality, attachment, parent, adolescent


Several previous studies have shown that adolescents' attachment to their parents and parents' religiosity appear to play an important role in the formation of adolescents' religiosity. However, does the primary influence in forming teenagers' spirituality come from parents? This research is a quantitative study on the relationship between late adolescent spirituality and parental spirituality, as well as adolescents' attachment to their parents, using the hierarchical regression analysis technique. The subjects of this study were 23 adolescents of GKY Pluit, North Jakarta, aged 15-19 years, along with their two parents. The results show that the parental spirituality variable contributes 12.1% to the variance of late adolescent spirituality, and the adolescent attachment to parents variable contributes 22.2%. Together, these two independent variables contribute 34.3% (p = .000) to the variance of late adolescent spirituality. The additional regression analysis results show that late adolescent spirituality has a positive relationship with mother's spirituality (13.1%; p = .007), adolescent attachment to mother (16.9%; p = .005), and adolescent attachment to father (28.1%; p = .000), but not with father's spirituality (0.3%; p = .682).


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How to Cite
Laumi. (2023). Hubungan Spiritualitas Remaja Akhir dengan Spiritualitas Orangtua dan dengan Kelekatan Remaja kepada Orangtua. Jurnal Pelayanan Kaum Muda, 1(1), 13-30.