Penerapan Mutual Direction dalam Pelayanan Kaum Muda

  • Izak Rio Hernemus Bainuan STT Amanat Agung
Keywords: mutual direction, spiritual director, young people, youth ministry, church


The influence of modernization and the era of disruption has opened up a larger space for the need for spiritual guidance and direction. Young people need spiritual guidance and direction to help them face various problems and crises in today's world. This article demonstrates that mutual direction can be one of the alternatives that can be applied in serving young people to shape a healthy spiritual life. The research method used in this article is literature research. The results show that mutual direction is a type of spiritual direction that helps young people face difficult times and crises. The church needs to equip its young people to deal with those issues, including helping them support their friends or companions facing problems or crises. The implementation of mutual direction requires support from all components in the church, not just the responsibility of youth leaders, youth group leaders, youth workers, or elders who oversee youth ministry.


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How to Cite
Bainuan, I. R. H. (2023). Penerapan Mutual Direction dalam Pelayanan Kaum Muda. Jurnal Pelayanan Kaum Muda, 1(2), 31-44.