Author Guideline

The research article sent to our journal will be considered for publication if meeting the following criteria:

  1. The research articles should be scientific and focused on reviewing related problems in contemporary youth ministry. Besides, it must be original and based on the research and contributive literature review for developing youth ministry studies in Indonesia.
  2. Articles should be original, research-based, unpublished, and not under review for possible publication in other journals.
  3. Authors can submit manuscripts in the form of research articles. The minimum length is 3.000 words.
  4. The article should include the title, author’s name, institution, email address, abstract, keywords, introduction, research method, results and discussion, and references. Authors can use the article template which can be downloaded here.
  5. The article's title must be clear, precise, and at most 14 words.
  6. The author does not need to include an academic title.
  7. The manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word format with Garamond, 12 pts, 1.15 space, and A4 paper. 
  8. All submissions must include a 100-250 words abstract and 4-6 keywords. The abstract of the research paper should contain the title, purpose, method, and research findings. 
  9. The paper will be reviewed and edited without changing any critical information written by the author.

Besides a research article, Jurnal Pelayanan Kaum Muda also receives a manuscript in the form of a book review with 1000 words minimum length.