Fenomena Budaya Kaum Muda dalam Keterlibatan Pelayanan di Gereja XYZ

  • Benedictus A. Dewanto Yayasan Caraka Wijaya Pratama, Indonesia
Keywords: phenomenon, youth culture, ministry involvement, contemporary loyalist


Based on the results of a focus group discussion with the young members of XYZ Church, researchers identified obstacles to the growth of young individuals within the church, particularly in the areas of ministry, leadership, and communication. These three areas are interrelated, leading to the fact that there is a low level of youth involvement in the church system. To fully understand the issue, a study of youth culture is needed, including an examination of the tendencies in the mindset and actions of young individuals in their daily lives. This is necessary to gain an understanding of what the youth culture phenomenon is like within the church. Consequently, obstacles can be viewed and addressed subjectively and objectively. Through qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach, researchers found that the construction of youth culture in XYZ Church is contemporary loyalist. The discussion of the construction of contemporary loyalist culture in relation to the hindrance of youth involvement growth is also presented in this article.


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How to Cite
Dewanto, B. A. (2023). Fenomena Budaya Kaum Muda dalam Keterlibatan Pelayanan di Gereja XYZ. Jurnal Pelayanan Kaum Muda, 1(1), 43-57. https://doi.org/10.47901/jpkm.v1i1.574